Jan 5, 2023Liked by Theo Jordan

Don’t leave Twitter, Theo! I follow your substack yet Twitter gives you visibility for many, many people who haven’t had an opportunity to find you. I found you there after C19 madness when you were discussing The Truman Show. I liked the thesis but was unsure about the extent so I tested it myself and began viewing all the news I took in through that lens and found it a solid thought. Now TwitterFiles have proven your thesis to even the most jaded view of it. I’ll still be here on your substack but I’ll continue to push for your return to Twitter.

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Thank you, Tom. Your support has been tremendous and most appreciated. I just don't see the point if I can't even acknowledge gender dysphoria as a mental disorder on there. It feels like deleting that post would just kick the same can a bit down the road. But I do understand what you're saying. If come Feb 1, I'm not having traction elsewhere, I will reconsider.

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Tom!! It’s Zilra!!

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Sorry to hear that the Twitter connection will be severed. All of us have our lines in the sand, so I do respect where you are coming from.

Still...Twitter does have its uses. The problem I see is that we are all working within the framework of the Truman show, whether we like it or not. The downside to shutting down the Twitter account is that it will be another avenue cut off that the public can find a way to discover the work you've put in to show concise analysis of the current malaise of the state of affairs.

Good luck on the new endeavors, and I hope that 2023 is the breakout year. I look forward to seeing more of your thoughts and perspectives.



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Thank you very much, Arthur. Kind words and I really appreciate your support. It's possible I'll reevaluate come February if things aren't clicking like I'd like them to. But I'm definitely planning onba Twitter Dry January and if I can get some energy over here or on audio stuff, I don't see myself going back. If it was SOLELY about principle, I might feel different. But it's not. I'll just get zapped again.

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Semi off topic, but may I ask what kind of audio setup did you end up going with? I am still playing with different software options, but I definitely recommend acoustic sound paneling as an easy way to improve sound quality.

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All I have at this time is a mic with stand and screen. I ended up getting a Shure MV7. Really impressed with it!

Next thing I need is recording/editing software. Any recommendations for one on PC?

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Audacity is not a bad free program for recording, and there are tons of tutorials on YT. Also, if you purchase an interface like Audiobix USB 96 you receive their recording software program. A few more bells and whistles, but Audacity is pretty straightforward for recording podcasts. 👍

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Jan 8, 2023Liked by Theo Jordan

Theo, I like the direction you're looking at and will certainly be posting your articles to Twitter for additional reach-your voice was important there but principles are more so. Tweets and threads are nothing compared to real paragraphs and articles. Heading back to watch your video. Looking forward to where this goes in the new year.

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Thank you very much, Lis. Your support means a lot to me. I'm excited to try and take this in a new direction.

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Theo Jordan

The more we find out from the Twitter files, the more accounts that get banned, the more uncomfortable I am. After your ban from Twitter I deleted all my posts, responses and likes. I’m done with Twitter too.

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It's time to start building things that are our own, rather than pleading for mercy to be part of things that aren't.

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Jan 8, 2023Liked by Theo Jordan

I don't think I've heard anyone say this better.

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I think you'd enjoy the read below. Phillip has been working hard on moving things in this direction.


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Jan 10, 2023Liked by Theo Jordan

Theo, thank you for this share. So much laid out in this stack. This platform is a boost in the right direction but it still needs tw folks to boost the articles. Too much gets missed (my own email is out of control with posts). I'm no writer but I can help spread better speak...

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Theo Jordan

Oh man, I was banned from Twitter a few months ago for declaring the CIA to be the enemy.

But yr account was one of the few I would occasionally check in on.

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Theo Jordan

The thing to remember is it’s because you are gaining traction they come after you. I have tweeted your substack (some of your followers can’t get in?) and TLDR’d it saying gender dysphoria is a mental health issue yet me and my 1k followers don’t get timeouts

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Appreciate you, brother.

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Theo Jordan

Twitter annoys me anymore. I just checked your profile and it doesn’t say you’re suspended or anything!

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Theo Jordan

If you’re game for video I think you could KILL on TikTok

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TY for the suggestion. That actually hadn't crossed my mind, only YT. I will definitely be working on some audio projects this month.

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by Theo Jordan

Dude, I really like the idea of you going vocal. Enjoyed Calmversations and look forward to what's coming. Fair play, credit where it's due.

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Thank you, Tony. I appreciate that!

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Do what you will, but I think most paths lead to nowhere. You were on a good one. You could have deleted the one post and then told everyone you deleted it, and we'd all know why, and no one would care that you did. I think this is a mistake, but who knows. I think your '23 level-up is to write a book. Life is a gamble. I just feel you'd hit your numbers with that Twitter account and should hold on to it. Everyone rolls their eyes at the censors anyway. We know it's a bunch of brats doing the reporting.

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Thanks for the post, Jonathan. I value your input. Fortunately, it wasn't a permanent decision I had to make. I can still go delete that post and presumably get my access back. And I'll give some thought to that if I'm not happy with where things are in a few weeks. Right now I am really enjoying focusing the same energy into something that is mine. It's been recharging at a time I was beginning to feel a bit over-saturated on Twitter. But you're right, the energy I had built there was strong and not easy to achieve. I won't get that same traction here. I'm playing around with some new projects in my mind though, including some voice stuff and giving thought to working on a book. So thanks for that nudge.

Just so you know, my election not to delete that tweet isn't solely about principle. In fact, principle isn't really driving that choice right now much at all. It's what the suspension meant; i.e. that I can't refer to gender dysphoria as a mental-health disorder. That's what it is, and I will unquestionably describe it that way again. My concern is that if they give me another strike, they'll fully suspend my account and I won't access to my 2yrs+ of work over there. I like being able to link back to it.

But again, you make salient points here. Logged up in the dome and will be revisiting this in a few weeks. Thanks for coming here, brother, means a lot to me.

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All good. I am loyal to those I admire. Plus, I lived in DC and taught in a Fairfax County high school for seven years, so when I heard you mention your upbringing in that region on "Calmversations", I understood you better.

I take your point on invariably saying it again and being permanently banned. Although resurrection is fairly easy and you'd get your follows back rather quickly. Happy to hear you're taking "suspension" literally, then. I can tweet a lot but like to go quiet now and then.

I write novels, books of a different ilk. I love putting a book together. I hope you consider that. I tweeted to you once it should be titled in some way using the Truman Show theme. People resonate with the idea of being defrauded entirely and not once suspecting it, ie. The Matrix, Truman Show, Pleasantville, etc., and you're an excellent minute diagnostician of the aggregate social malaise. All the best!

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Man, those words are like gas in the tank! TY

What era were you in NoVa, if you don't mind sharing? My HS days there were the mid/late 90s.

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We're close in age then. I graduated h.s. in '96. I taught at Falls Church High School from 2011-2018, not the wealthy township but the working class one (under a different name--the real one. Epps is a pseudonym for the books. My real name is so Anglo, it's anodyne.) I loved it for the first 4-5 years, and then things began to shift, and I hated it.

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Wow, no way! Small world. I wouldn't be surprised if we've crossed paths in real-life. I loved Fairfax! What a cool place to grow up in the 90s. But I don't even recognize it anymore. It's still a hot area for sure, it's just not a place for me anymore. I genuinely don't know where I am anymore in the Dulles corridor. And I watched them build that all from dirt!

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Theo Jordan

I wondered why I hadn't seen your tweets! (I'm @TheLegit_KC - Daughter of Eve) on Twitter) I missed your tweets and will have to come here to keep up with your thoughts and opinions, which I've always enjoyed, usually agree with, and have always considered thought-provoking.

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Hey there! :) Thank you so much for coming by. Means so much to me. 👊 I miss our discussion immensely.

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by Theo Jordan

I admire your convictions, Theo! Unfortunately, Twitter is still a valuable resource in which to get your message(s) out. And remember that "they" will have won if you leave--we NEED your wisdom and insights!! So PLEASE reconsider!

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Theo Jordan

You are likely correct that deleting the post could lead to further deletion. I understand the principle, but in the grand scheme, that post is nothing compared to the reach of your active account. I understand how you feel about deleting post, but this is not the same as kneeling for the petulant. It's accepting a minor loss to keep fighting.

A break from the bird could be a good thing. I love the idea of the audio posts with receipts. I will often use my long car rides as a great time for quickly absorbing large amounts of information.

Not a video/audio expert, but might suggest Spreaker for podcasts, or Locals. Magix Vegas - Video Production with layers, greenscreen, audio/video affects. OBS – free screen recording.

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Thank you very much for the suggestions and encouragement, Josh.

"A break from the bird could be a good thing". 100! That's one of the reasons it feels so meant to be. I could use a break from Twitter, but I likely would have never set that bottle down myself. I'm going to see how a Twitter-Dry January treats me.

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Theo Jordan

I got zapped from Twitter last year. I’ve been waiting for you to post here more often.

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I’m excited to see what comes next for you!!

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Thank, Jen. :) Your support means a lot to me.

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