The notion of “The Utopia” is a funny thing, for the idea of Utopia is unique to the individual. It's a childish and almost entirely worthless thought; one that disposes with the nature of man. It's possible for someone to dream of their own Utopia, of course. It might even be possible for a single person to construct one. But that's ultimately where the idea crashes into a wall called reality.
A ways back, I heard someone comment that so much intellectual manpower/capital is being burned and wasted on all these ridiculous academic (postmodern) pursuits. He was absolutely right, and perhaps nothing has wiped with 20s more than this multi-tentacled “we can make the world fair and everything Justice"-machine that has wholly consumed academia. Because it captured academia, it has now brainwashed a troubling amount of our youth with these same unicorn fantasy ideals.
And I don't have to bash it in character, it falls apart logically at the lightest touch. It's interesting to think about why; it kind of leads us back to the original answer. We live on a giant rock with limited resources and the ability of humans to unite and make greater gain sharing them. This chessboard is one of endless conflict. But it fits, because humans love the pursuit of power and seem to suffer from omnipresent greed. And so, anytime a group gets together - and I mean anytime, for any cause - inevitably internal interests rise, and they begin to steer and consume the resources of the whole. This isn't necessarily a bad thing; it just is. But it reveals why Utopic ideals can never serve as a form of governance. This is why the entire toolkit of equity is a disaster out of the gates. Who determines these standards of perfection (The Moral)? We're finally seeing the unraveling of that on the social front in the west. Inherently, whoever does will become that which they once claimed to be fighting. They will stand on two feet. We have a track record of this stretching back millennia. It is the very definition of a fool's errand. You can not mitigate the way of man.
And perhaps more importantly, would we even want to? All these mollasses ideologies fall into the same pot. They ultimately are this rabid (I believe pretextual) quest to make everything “fair” and to reduce “harm”. But it's more than just safetyism (although they get along great), it's a self-righteous sense of having the mandate and the capability to achieve a “greater”. This is where the gnostic vibe of it all comes in. It's not a coincidence it attracts atheists. It was built for them, and much of this mindset and academic pursuit I'm referring to is directly antithetical to the teachings of church. It's a revolutionary energy, so of course. Replace the church with the state. Is that really any better?
And even stepping away from morality is the simple fact life is not fair. What even is “fair” in the greater context of it all? Is it unfair someone has more than you? Is it unfair tragedy so often strikes the good and the noble? Sure. But this is as inherent to our life here as needing water and air. Life is a short journey of survival and risk. We are an unbelievably pampered species now and have largely lost touch with our roots to the land. “Good Times create Weak Men”. We look back at civilizations that have pursued hedonism - for that's what “The Utopia” surely becomes - and it never ends well.
And we see that in our moment. Because what this ultimately evolves to is a vehicle for society's downtrodden to either find a sustaining rut with worthless value, or more commonly and destructively, artificially empower the fringes and radicalize them against the middle. That is the very core engine of Marxist ideology. It's not difficult to rouse the have-nots against the haves. It's easy fealty to obtain when you promise Utopia to someone with very little going for them. This defines the madness we're going through right now. We just spent three years pretending men were women and calling individuals “they” and “zir” as if these were good things. We have teachers who want to ask elementary kids if they're pansexual. Think of what the “Anti-Bullying Campaign” did for bullying. Nothing… except artificially invert the power structure so the blue-haired kids get to bully the jocks with newfound plastic admin-muscles they would never have otherwise. What we're doing to children in this crusade to make them “safe” and reduce “harm” is clearly not benefiting them. The signs are everywhere! It's so bad that I think you're foolish at this point to see that as the objective. Nah, you don't break boys to improve them - that was the pretext. We're suffering through the end of a radical overreaction; dogma allowed to advance way too far.
This way of thinking no matter how well-intentioned never becomes The Utopia. It becomes The Madness, which then becomes a portal for very bad things. It's The Fall of Rome, not Heaven on Earth.
A utopia is an idea, not a real place. It's like an unachievable goal in that the reward is not about achiveing the goal but growing ever close to it. Utopia is teh ideal society and since humans aren't clones/duplicates its rare that more than a ahndful if that many will share a common idea of what utopia is and since the majority don't define utopia the same way it's animposible achievement. It does howevre make for agreat selling point when you are trying to con young ( and dumb ) peoples to go along with a collectivist utopia society despite one never working out in history.
Not everything that has a real world impact is itself real. Reality, a term, is often used to say "When reality smacks you" meaning when your denialsarenolongerable to carry you. The wal to an actual utopia is the fact that we are all different. The best funcioning human society is one where differeng peopls work tgether but after work they go to livein theirown segregatedspaces whcih are divided by culture not by ethnicity or religion but by culture. That measn a society can never be functional when you mix Muslums with non-Muslims or any other religion that believes non-believers must be sacrificied
Fairness, Utopia, Equality, all lies used by thse seeking power to gain said power by invoking jealosuy between differening groups.