A utopia is an idea, not a real place. It's like an unachievable goal in that the reward is not about achiveing the goal but growing ever close to it. Utopia is teh ideal society and since humans aren't clones/duplicates its rare that more than a ahndful if that many will share a common idea of what utopia is and since the majority don't define utopia the same way it's animposible achievement. It does howevre make for agreat selling point when you are trying to con young ( and dumb ) peoples to go along with a collectivist utopia society despite one never working out in history.

Not everything that has a real world impact is itself real. Reality, a term, is often used to say "When reality smacks you" meaning when your denialsarenolongerable to carry you. The wal to an actual utopia is the fact that we are all different. The best funcioning human society is one where differeng peopls work tgether but after work they go to livein theirown segregatedspaces whcih are divided by culture not by ethnicity or religion but by culture. That measn a society can never be functional when you mix Muslums with non-Muslims or any other religion that believes non-believers must be sacrificied

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Fairness, Utopia, Equality, all lies used by thse seeking power to gain said power by invoking jealosuy between differening groups.

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